E&P - earnings and profits
EA - Enrolled Actuary
EAP - estimated annual premium
EBIDDA - earnings before interest, dividends, depreciation, and amortization
EBIT - earnings before interest and taxes
EBITDA - earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization
EBM - evidence-based medicine
EBRI - Employee Benefit Research Institute
ECC - Eastern Claims Conference
ECF - extended care facility
ECFC - Employers Council on Flexible Compensation
ECI - export credit insurance
ECI - effectively connected income
ECOR - economic cost of ruin
ECP - exempt commercial policyholder
EDI - export development corporation
EDP - electronic data processing
EEL - emergency exposure limits
EFT - electronic funds transfer
EH&S - environmental health and safety
EIS - environmental impact statement
EL - employers liability
EL - expected loss
ELR - expected loss rate
EMT - emergency medical technician
ENCP - ERISA Non-Compliance Program
EP - earned premium
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
EPC - engineering/procurement construction
EPD - expected policyholder deficit
EPL - employment practices liability