CF - contract frustration
CFA - Chartered Financial Analyst
CFC - Chartered Financial Consultant
CFMA - Construction Financial Management Association
CFO - chief financial officer
CFP - Certified Financial Planner
CFP - coordinated financial planning
CFROI - cash flow return on investments
CFTC - Commodities and Futures Trading Commission
CFU - customary freight unit
CGL - commercial general liability (formerly comprehensive general liability)
CHCM - Certified Hazard Control Manager
CHIAA - Crop-Hail Insurance Actuarial Association
CIA - Canadian Institute of Actuaries
CIAA - Canadian Independent Adjusters Association
CIAB - The Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers
CIC - Certified Insurance Counselor
CIH - Certified Industrial Hygienist
CIH - Compensated Intercorporate Hauling
CIM - commercial inland marine
CIP - consolidated insurance program
CIPO - controlled insurance program for operations
CIRB - Crop Insurance Research Bureau
CISR - Certified Insurance Service Representative
CIT - critical incident technique
CL - claims leakage
CLHIA - Canadian Life & Health Insurance Association
CLIEDIS - Canadian Life Insurance EDI Standards Association
CLM - Commercial Lines Manual
CM - construction manager
CMAA - Construction Management Association of America
CMP - commercial multiple peril
CMP - controlled master program
CMS - Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
CMT - crisis management team
CNHI - Committee for National Health Insurance
CNP - cotton named perils (insurance)
COAA - Construction Owners Association of America
COB - coordination of benefits
COBRA - Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985
COC - course of construction